Reflective Journal Week 11, 8 Dec – 14 Dec 2019

The pop-up show was fine. I missed the opening talk and the toast; I was busy running down block A, consulting tutors of printmaking, graphic design and illustration regarding the technical issue of saddle stitch.

There is a converter came with the latest version of Adobe InDesign, I have tried and all apparently it requires a paper of individual formats to be put in the printer. I used to work in a printing room during my gap years; I know how to manually composite a booklet for saddle stitch. However, an unknown issue occurred that the brochure looks like:


Seems if set to print on both sides of the paper, the context on the backside will not be rotated, like if they are printing both sides at the same time.
Composition for saddle stitch should place the last page with the first one, then the second last one with the second page. Pages need to be even; otherwise, it cannot be printed out.

I failed to locate technicians who could solve this problem miserably. It is a massive lesson for me. I have designed the timetable for this project precisely that the printing work would finish precisely two hours before the pop-up show. Still, it never occurred to me to experiment with the feasibility of the booklet design. I straightly applied my previous experience, which obviously did not work with software and hardware provided by the university. The last incompatibility I ran into was the massive utilisation of Core Draw instead of InDesign in China in 2018. For now on, extra attention should be put in the subject.

I have continually attended the university a few days after the pop-up show and finally settled the composition of the illustration book. A pdf can be found below. Please be advised this is NOT the final version and there will be minor problems such as gramma mistakes.

Book design CUCO

At the same time, painting sketches were stably produced as well. The number of finished Spanish landscape gave me the illusion that a sufficient amount of work is already in procession. An adjust on the manufacturing structure is imminent right now.

As the project progressing, I fear difficulties that much more challenging will be faced periodically. I list a few challenges that require solution over the Christmas break:
-Start to establish a vocabulary collection for advanced academic writing
-Continue contributing the bibliography of the first unit
-Adjusting the book design until the most optimised plan is found
-Doctor application
-Review German language for the second semester
-Review Spanish language for personal skill
-Look into the possible path towards another MA degree if failed to apply for the doctorate course
-Prepare for another IELTS test in spring
-Technical issues of watercolour painting require practice
-Learn to bind a hardback book as the plan B of the illustration book
-Learn to bind a hardback book as the plan of the artist book
-Work on lecture reviews and articles to support my academic career
-Organise works in the summer and post them on the personal website

I have visited the end-of-term show of the excellent art department of Chelsea. Their works demonstrated a variety of format and a generally more radical manner. Relatively speaking, students in Camberwell are overall more traditional despite the fact that I consider basically everyone than me radical.

As an individual artist who believes self-promotion occupies an irreplaceable part in a Bohemian lifestyle, I have collected a series of media as productions for promotion. Photographs of the street view, as well as urban landscapes, is also a very quick way of documenting a point in the consistency of time. There was a series called Ich hab die Nacht geträumte which focuses on moments that can be easily ignored, there is no reason to stop producing the latest pieces.

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